Thursday 1 November 2007

A day in the life of a volunteer

(caveat! this is quite detailed, made on siesta hour!)

I still wake up ahead of my alarm clock but the cold mornings down under keeps me longer in bed (ahem) than when I was in my happy old city. I do my morning ritual creatively and grope for my mug of tea (simply because the coffee at home is nescafe!) after I turn my laptop on...

Work follows... I am online most of the day with a huge bar called BUSY most of the time. My work is just at my fingertips, connecting people and looking at how they do the things. In some mornings, I discuss things with Stefan, critically look at things and agree on how we proceed.

At times we take lunch at the parish office and continue to work from there or, we go on to virtually hole up in front of the computer. Routines would change when meetings are scheduled. I get to see a lot of the city when we attend forums and discussion groups.

The local melbourne news will be on in the evening and dinner follows. I get to chat with my friends before dinner. The wonders of internet keeps you in touch with dear friends far and near.

The computer is on until midnight. Sometimes, I do it for personal reasons: updating blogs, reading news, chatting online with friends. I do work too! I update some presentations and lucidly think about the implementation part of the project.

No pubs and bars for me to go but I don't miss it much. Those are more interesting when friends are there. I can't take them with me. The itinerant longs for those spirited laughs but is content with what she does... The direction and meaning is there. It is important.

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